Recorded sessions
Sessions include content, information but also questions to encourage reflections, discussion and critical thinking.

£15 for the whole course
Including work booklet
What makes someone wise?
What is the Eightfold path?
What are the Four Noble truths?
What is the Middle way?
What is meditation?
What is Karma and rebirth?

£15 for the whole course
Including work booklet
What is commitment?
What are the 5ks?
What are the challenges of wearing the 5Ks?
What is Sewa?
What is the Langar?
What is the Gurdwara?

£15 for the whole course
Including work booklet
What is Humanism?
Where do Human beings come from?
How do Humanist Understand the world?
What does one life mean?
Humanist Ethics
Recorded GCSE lessons from AQA Specification Religious Studies (£2.50 per lesson)
Christianity Beliefs and Practices
Christian Beliefs lesson topics:
- Nature of God
- Problem of Evil
- Trinity, Creation
- Incarnation
- Resurrection
- Afterlife
- Heave/Hell/ Salvation
Christian Practices lesson topics:
- Worship
- Sacraments
- Pilgrimage
- Easter/Christmas
- Local community
- Mission/Evangelism
- Persecution
- Poverty
Islam Beliefs and Practices
Islam Belief lesson topics:
- Articles of Faith/Nature of Allah
- Prophets/Muhammad
- Qur'an
- Angels
- Life after Death/ Predestination
Islam Practices lesson topics:
- Shahadah
- Salah
- Ramadan
- Zakah
- Hajj
- Mosque
- Jihad
- Id-ul- Adha (Festivals)
A Relationships and Families
- Sexuality
- Marriage & Contraception
- Divorce & Remarriage
- Nature & Purpose of Families
- Role of Men and Women.
B Religion and Life
- Origins of the Universe
- Value of the word
- Destruction of the planet
- Animal Rights
- Abortion
- Euthanasia
E Crime and Punishment
- Reasons people break the law
- Attitude to Law Breakers,
- Aims of Punishment
- Treatment of Criminal
- Forgiveness
- Capital Punishment
F Human Rights and Social Justice
- Human Rights
- Prejudice/Discrimination
- Racism
- Disability/ Freedom of Speech,
- Wealth/Poverty
- Exploitation of the poor/Charity.

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